A Haunting in Venice: A Review of the Most Romantic Horror Film of the Year

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A Haunting in Venice: A Review of the Most Romantic Horror Film of the Year



Post World War II in Venice, Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) has retired to a peaceful existence. But his friend/mystery writer Ariadne Oliver (the always-welcome Tina Fey) talks him into going to a séance in an old, creepy house. This seance is conducted by the medium Joyce Reynolds played by Michelle Yeoh, in an attempt to conjure the spirit of Alicia Drake-the teenage daughter of the Palazzo’s then-owner, opera singer Rowena Drake, portrayed by Kelly

One year before, Alicia had supposedly killed herself and the reason was that her fiancé — chef Maxime Gerard (Josh Gad) — had announced their separation. But Rowena thinks Alicia was killed — she’s employed Joyce to discover the truth of it.

Poirot is doubtful about the “séance,” but agrees to go along with it. He is accompanied by a party of other attendees, among them Maxim (Simon Russell Beale) who turns out to be one the suitors of Lady Susan (Kate Fleetwood – Rowena’s sister), Rowena’s other daughter Desdemona (D

At the Seance, Joyce says she’s communing with the spirit of Alicia. But mid-way through the Seance there was suddenly a power cut. Upon the lights revealing themselves (soon to be turned off again), our audience learns what the guests found — that Desdemona has been killed.

Poirot is now faced with two mysteries to solve: the killing of Desdemonda and maybe the killing of Alicia. It’s not long before he learns all of the séance’s guests have something to conceal. Maxime is concealing a sordid past, Desdemona is having an extra-marital affair, Nicholas is a gambler, and Stylus blackmails Rowena.

Poirot discovers too that the Palazzo is said to be haunted — with children’s ghosts, who perished during a plague centuries before. The guests think desdemonas demise is caused by spirits (or something), Poirot isn't as convinced.

(Spoiler) Through numerous curve balls, Poirot eventually unravels the secret behind Desdemona’s murder. He learns the truth about how Alicia died also. It transpires that Alicia was killed and the murderer is familiar with Poirot too.

A Haunting in Venice — a gripping horror mystery — is a chilling supernatural tale. There really isn’t much I can say without giving away parts of the plot but its an enjoyable version of the classic Agatha Christie whodunit that will keep you guessing as to who did it right up till the end.



Just don't know how dumb Indian audiences can get. Maybe if y'all actually read Agatha Christie's novel, Hallowee'n Party, y'all would'nt linger around saying this wasn't a horror movie. Grow up. not everything has to be horror, and horror doesn't always have to be inclusive of jump-scares. Pseudo-horror fans talking about A Haunting in Venice not being a horror film. Yikes! One of the best adaptations, though! Watch it ASAP!



The smooth brained Indian crowd giving reviews that it's not a horror is pure irony gold. Ever heard of Agatha Christie? Pick up a book nerds.


haunting is the wrong title ,detective in venice is suitable

I would give A Haunting in Venice (2023) a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.

The film has a lot of strengths. It is beautifully shot, with stunning visuals of Venice. The cast is also excellent, with Branagh, Fey, and Yeoh all giving memorable performances. The mystery is well-plotted and engaging, and the film has a few genuinely suspenseful moments.

However, the film also has some weaknesses. The pacing is uneven in the first half, and the supernatural elements are not always well-integrated into the story. Additionally, the film's conclusion is somewhat disappointing, as it feels a bit rushed and unsatisfying.

Overall, A Haunting in Venice is a solid mystery thriller with a few flaws. It is worth watching for its beautiful visuals, excellent cast, and engaging plot. However, viewers should be aware that the film does not always stick the landing.

If you are a fan of Agatha Christie mysteries and gothic horror, you may enjoy A Haunting in Venice more than others. However, if you are looking for a truly scary or groundbreaking film, you may be disappointed.

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